Here are slides I used as support to my presentations:
- [FR] Embedding a web front-end in your Go binary: happyDomain example (code) (Meetup Golang Paris)
- [EN] Let’s make people love domain names again (FOSDEM 2024)
- [FR] How can we make the words DNS and simplicity compatible? (Open Source Experience 2023)
- [FR] Rethinking web platform security (LRE Summer Week)
- [FR] Strong authentication (cryptoparty GConfs)
- [FR] Self-Hosting (cryptoparty GConfs)
- [FR] DNS overview (QTechNote)
- [FR] Docker hands-on (QTechNote)
- [FR] gRPC/Protobuf overview (QTechNote)
In Epita, I’m responsible for teaching containers usage and plumbing in a 15 hours course called light virtualization and for ADvanced LINux administration.
Moreover, I coach students to create an annual CTF, at FIC. And also lead the related CTF server developments.