Self-hosting: for a decentralized and responsible Internet

Self-hosting: for a decentralized and responsible Internet
In an idealized world, we would all be free to access any service, made available by a community motivated by the common good rather than by the penurious enrichment of a few. However, we don’t live in that world. Today, everything is monetized: the smallest product or service only exists if it brings in enough money, without regard for the common good. The apparent gratuity of digital services is often accompanied by a more discreet but lucrative counterpart: the exploitation of our personal data. [Read More]

PGP key

My personal PGP key is the following: 0x842807a84573cc96.

pub   4096R/4573CC96 2014-06-23 [expires: 2022-06-30]
      Key fingerprint = E722 B5B7 3CA7 FA93 5FC1  AA09 8428 07A8 4573 CC96
uid                  Pierre-Olivier Mercier <>
sub   4096R/9D2855C3 2014-06-23 [expires: 2022-06-30]
[Read More]